This screwdriver was bought, as they say, for a family home. Not for production purposes. I wanted something reliable, albeit expensive. At first, the screwdriver practically did not disappoint. Although the backlighting was done unsuccessfully - for some reason, the cartridge is illuminated, and not the place of work, although this can be put up with. After about six months, I noticed the beating of the cartridge, not strong, but it was not there before. I didn’t pay much attention, since I don’t need super-accuracy, and he continued to tighten the screws. But after 7 months, suddenly, in the process of work, it smelled of burning and Shurik died. It turned out that the motor burned out. Oddly enough, the case was recognized as a warranty and repaired for free. After another 2 months, problems began on the first speed. I skipped. At the same time, the backlash of the cartridge increased even more. Back to the workshop. And then they upset me: it turned out that the case was not under warranty, since the warranty does not apply to the gearbox. And there, sorry, a recess on the plastic gearbox, which successfully fell off. Paid for repairs almost a third of the cost. A year later, I noticed that the batteries began to "drain" the charge - to discharge faster. As far as I understand, this process is not reversible. The cost of new ones is incredible. Now the question is - why did I need a tool for such rather big money, which not only did not reach the declared service life, but, in fact, did not even work for a year! Once again - for quite a bit of money. Conclusion - do not buy.