Is there anything cuter than a baby in overalls? But the manufacturers design them in completely different proportions than before. My grandson is in the 99th percentile for his age and thinner than usual. But no matter what brand and size I buy for my grandson, legs that are too long always feel tight in the stomach. And who makes overalls for babies without buttons on their legs? Parents, you know how useful these buttons are, right? So I'm still looking for a jumpsuit that would fit a normal human baby: slightly larger in girth and slightly shorter in length. Bring back the snaps too!
π₯ Stay Warm and Active with Rocky Fleece Thermal Underwear Bottoms for Boys
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Waterproof Cozy-Dry Rain/Snow Pants for π§ Kids by JAN & JUL, with Fleece Lining
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π Bold Pack Sleeve Active Hoodie Sweatshirt Set for Boys' Clothing - Stylish and Comfortable!
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π Fruit of the Loom 6 Pair Cushion Ankle Boys' Clothing: Comfy and Stylish Selection for Active Boys
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