I didn't expect much for the price. They fit my 4 month old daughter with limited space. These are good shoes for a child who cannot walk. They didn't come in a box just a plastic bag in a thin mailer so they arrived a little wrinkled but my daughter won't be wearing them for long. They're cheap and simply made, but good enough that they can't be worn for too long.
Slip-Resistant Crib Shoes for Babies: Robeez Soft Soles for Girls and Unisex Toddlers, Ages 0-24 Months
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DREAM PAIRS Little Aurora 03 Communion Shoes and Flats for Girls - Top Choice for Stunning Style and Comfort
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Stylish and Comfortable pediped Flex Estella Mary Jane Shoes for Toddlers and Little Kids
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Dance in Style with Molly Jane Tap Shoes: Unisex-Child Mary Flats
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