Overall I am very impressed with this vacuum! I was hesitant to buy it (due to the many options and features available in the market) but I'm so glad I did. We have two large German Shepherd mix breeds and this tiny vacuum cleaner works wonders on our hardwood floors and carpets, moving from level to level almost seamlessly. I can schedule operations with an easy-to-use app and program a cleaning cycle (be it automatic, edges, 30-minute quick clean, etc.). We run it on a fully automatic cycle almost every night and I'm amazed at how it picks up dog hair. It's so satisfying to wake up with fresh vacuum cleaner marks! It's really well done around the edges and continues to the mats. However, it felt like parental controls for the first time; Lift curtains that are hanging off the floor, remove rugs that don't have non-slip hardwood backings, etc. This is by far the best vacuum I've ever bought. Highly recommended!