With its pros: A very good sensor, on my last mouse there is a pixart 3389, they say that there is an analog here, but according to my feelings, the sensor on SteelSeries Prime is better. Lightweight, hand does not get tired. Pretty comfortable shape, quickly got used to it. The wire is flexible, removable, the plastic is pleasant, mouse clicks are loud, but not louder than the sound of a mechanical keyboard. Again, price. Took for 2200r. with a coupon, but also for 3000r. this is a great purchase. Mouse setup through the proprietary SteelSeries application, which is now quite convenient. With its cons: DPI switching occurs by pressing the button at the bottom of the mouse, it is switched by scrolling through all the programmed settings. If you use multiple DPI settings in the same game (for example, you change in a shooter when you switch to a sniper rifle), then this can be inconvenient. But in fact, few people use such tricks; for the vast majority, this is not even a minus.