I have used this to make elaborate replicas of some antique pieces. I have made silicone molds before and tried making liquid resin replicas for a long time, always had problems with air bubbles causing defects in the finished product. My first time using Apoxie Sculpt and the finished pieces looked much more professional with no air bubbles. I have to take care of things like fold lines since I'm pushing them into the mold instead of casting them, but I haven't had much of a problem with this and my casts look almost as good as the originals. I have yet to figure out how to sand the back to make it smooth, but with the success of these prototypes I doubt I'll resort to liquid resin for this particular project. I let them dry for 24 hours as instructed and they popped right out of the silicone molds. They cured very hard, like the resin I'm used to. I used the black version of the Apoxie sculpt and it's a rich, opaque black with some shimmer additives, but not so much that I really notice, which is good as I prefer these parts matte. I look forward to playing some more with it. The black color made my hands a bit dirty during the day so I'll wear rubber gloves next time. I wasn't sure if this material would have the same level of detail as liquid resin but I would say they are comparable without the torture of air bubbles. Another plus is that there is no horrible smell emanating from liquid resin.
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