I bought this strap to replace my Samsung Smartwatch. In the original strap, the holes were too close together, so after a while a small piece of silicone broke between the holes. This strap is slightly thicker than the Samsung strap. There's a lot more silicone between the holes and the band is thicker so I'm not worried it will suffer the same fate. However, I downgraded it a notch because the two sliders that keep excess strap under control are too wide. So if you place them close to the end of the strap, they will slip out and not hold the strap (see photo). To make matters worse, how stiff the road surface is. EDIT: After wearing it for a few months I am changing my rating. The group has softened significantly and is now quite flexible. The two sliders are still a bit too big, but that's not as much of an issue as it was when the band was new. Adjusted to 5 stars.
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