So in April I ordered this XM antenna from Revain to set up the radio in my new house. Didn't have time to unpack until last weekend 12th June - outside of Revain's return period. After 2 hours of fuss - it worked, and for about an hour there was XM reception. Then he stopped receiving the signal. Spent another 3 hours comparing it to my XM indoor antenna outside (weather was dry). The indoor XM antenna worked perfectly - Terk once worked for 2 minutes in a position that introduced severe distortion and required me to stay outside with my right hand raised halfway down the stairs. Called Audiovox on Monday - they agreed it sounded wrong - should send it back to Revain - but as the delivery time has expired I have to send it back to them for repair. On the question of replacement - no way! So I researched the XM antennas and found one on the Revain website, a Pixel PRO 600 from Colorado. More expensive than Terk but much better instructions - called the guy at Pixel to see if the 600 or the more expensive 500 would fit my unit. He recommended 600 for my geographic location. The unit arrived today - much better finished than the Terk, with both horizontal and vertical adjustment and a really neat cable connector for connecting an RG6 coax to the SMB input of my Polk receiver which doesn't stress the coax. on the SMB input, reducing the possibility of a bad connection on the device. Hooked up to a Pixel PRO 600 antenna and RG coax and it was up and running in 2 minutes - great reception - 5 star product. So if you really want your XM radio to work, give the Pixel a try - it's worth the extra money. Turk? Instead of spending money on return - in the garbage where it belongs.
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