In general, with a discount, the price of 8500 came out, the price and the quality of the function suited me With its pros. For me personally, the advantages are: weight 7 kg, the height of the stroller is comfortable for the legs when driving, the wheels are 14 cm or more (rear double, I would like the front ones too), it folds with a cane, it is controlled normally and with one hand too, the seat with a raised edge measured itself in size 33 by 33 cm, the hood closes well, there is a raincoat, a thermal bag from which you can make a warm lining for sitting and a separate cape for the legs, a footrest, the color is stylish, not easily soiled and not hot for the summer, the presence of a bumper, the ability to remove and wash the fabric of the stroller Cons: All the same, the wheels, since they are plastic, of course, rattle, but it’s tolerable, it can be worse, there is no viewing window, a pocket for small things, a cup holder, and yet it’s probably like this in all strollers - the seat is not at 90 degrees, the child still sometimes slides reclining, but it is only in winter in outerwear