When I first received this I was excited. The price was great considering how much I paid for my wooden ones. It consists of many easy to assemble parts. It really doesn't take long to assemble. After assembling I added little fabric baskets and used them for knitting, hair products, small electronics like headphones, charging cables, nothing too big or heavy. The purpose was to fix me. It worked well for that purpose until it started breaking down about a month later. The metal rods that you hammer into the round slots started to come loose and at first only had to attach 2 or 3 that fell off. But just a few days after those upper bars strengthened, the lower ones began to weaken as well. It turns out that over time the device will loosen and break when used with baskets or other items that require a bit of movement inside the device. It's not a headache to constantly fix shelves. Stick to a shelving system that you can actually screw on. This keeps it in place and you don't have to worry about those headaches.
Shoe container HOMSU Premium HOM-1134, 38x140x9.5 cm, 6 pcs., transparent
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Enhance Your Closet Organization with the brightmaison Sofia Clothes Rack
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Organize with Style: mDesign Natural Woven Hyacinth Closet Storage Organizer Basket Bin - Collapsible - 4 Pack - Natural/Tan
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ERA Accents 30 Closet Dividers for Clothing Rack – 30 Pieces in 10 Assorted Colors, Clothing Rack Size Dividers, Closet Organizer/Hanger Separator Divides Clothing Rod by Size. Includes Marking Pen
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