I thought I'd buy a Coleman rechargeable battery and charging station but ended up with a leaking battery, a bunch of random USB cables and a random mirror mount for a radar. This is the second time I've shopped at a Revain warehouse and ended up with junk that someone returned because people don't do their jobs to verify returns. When I first bought a Coleman OneSource tent and someone gutted it and then returned it, it had almost no poles, lights, fans, batteries, etc. The service really seems to have gotten worse.
Canvas Camera Case Bag With Shoulder Strap For DSLR/SLR Cameras - Black, Medium Size By Evecase
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Soft Silicone AirPods Case Cover With Visible LED - Compatible With AirPod 2/1 Cases, Keychain Accessory Included - Ideal For Men, Women, Girls, And Boys - Light Pink
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