The jumper wires with the black ends do not work well and have unnegligible resistance so it messed up my circuits. Thus causing open circuits
20 Pcs Double Sided PCB Board Kit For DIY Soldering Projects Compatible With Arduino Kits
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30-Value 300Pc 1W Zener Diode Assortment Kit (3V 3.3V 3.6V 3.9V 4.3V 4.7V 5.1V 5.6V 6.2V 6
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Douk Audio U2 PRO XMOS XU208 Digital Interface - USB To TOSLINK/Coaxial/Optical/HDMI IIS Adapter For DAC, Preamp & Amplifier | PCM & DSD256 Support
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10 Pcs Copper Clad Laminate PCBs - 7X10 Cm 4X2.7 In - Universal Circuit Board For DIY Etching Projects
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