I've had several pairs of water shoes over the years and these are by far the best. I used them during tent camping at the river; they are so comfortable that I ended up not only wearing them walking around in the river, but also for rafting, kayaking, inner tubing, hanging around the campsite, while cooking and riding my bike around. I did not try them out in sand. The removable inserts are supportive, yet soft and springy and like walking on clouds. I wear a size US 10-that's what I ordered and they fit just perfectly. You can definitely wear these to walk around, but I would not wear them for a big hike because the drainage holes on the bottom of the soles are deep and big enough to collect small rocks that get stuck inside. Not very comfortable, and I found myself often having to take off the shoes to try to dig out the rocks. Sometimes they were stuck in there so deep and tight that I had to get a tool to dig them out. That is my only complaint about these water shoes.
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