Different pros: Excellent keyboard with interesting features - they have already been written about, and below about the nuances The keyboard is great for typing! I would compare it with the Apple keyboard, but the tactile sensations are different and equally awesome. There are soft clicks, no noise. Clicking feels right! In general, printing is a great pleasure. Plus, it's heavy and you can't move it just like that! Cons below: There is no break key - as a developer I really miss it and because of its absence I lose a lot of time. Screenshot keys and others - regular Windows location is better IMHO I used the keyboard for parallel work on windows pc and macbook - it’s like a plus, but I’ll write a minus - I use it in tandem with a mouse and automatic switching works through one place. It slows down and lags, unfortunately. Although the chip is quite new, breakthrough, but the implementation is weak - spit it out on the market early, and then let them use it. As a result, I got rid of windows pc altogether and bought an external video card. But I'm more in the negative about the quality of the software and the lack of a button, which may not bother or bother many. The keyboard is great for typing! I also remembered a minus - it is not recognized until the macbook is authorized. Those. forget about the closed poppy. Another disadvantage is the lack of a wired connection. There is a wire, but it is only as power. I lost time installing Windows on a USB flash drive and running it on a macbook. regular keyboard is not recognized by Windows and bluetooth does not plow))))