This has come out perfect and is the best replica of Rey bag and belt. The straps are separate but can be passed through a leather cuff holding them together, then the bottom strap is threaded through the pocket and the straps fasten at the waist with Velcro. Velcro is not noticeable at all. Definitely a great cosplay accessory and useful.
Stylish And Sleek: Genuine Leather Skinny Belts For Women'S Fashion
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XZQTIVE Women'S 3-Pack Faux Leather Belts With Double Circle Buckle, Perfect For Jeans And Pants
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Mythic Renaissance Medieval Irish Costume Over Dress & Chemise Set (XXS/XS, Black)
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Stretchy Women'S Waist Belt: VOCHIC PU Leather Elastic Wide Cloth Dress Accessory With Thickening For Fashionable Ladies
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Веер Китаны: светящиеся в ультрафиолете веера для косплея и костюмов на Хэллоуин - складной, веер из бамбука (стиль Китаны 3)
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3 пары вощеных шнурков для туфель Оксфорд тонкость 3/32 дюйма.
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ShadyVEU Super Dark Black Sunglasses W/ UV Protection & Spring Hinge - 80S Vintage Retro Inspired Shades
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🕶️ SUNGAIT Women's Lightweight Oversized Aviator Sunglasses - Mirrored Polarized Lens for Enhanced SEO
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