Well it took me a while but I finally managed to extract the original data chip from the old cartridge and install it as a replacement. The beauty of this brand is that it comes with tweezers and pliers to cut out the old chip and fit it into the new cartridge. The old chip was glued to the original toner and it took quite a bit of work to remove it. Luckily the chip wasn't very fragile as its only function is to tell the printer what color it is, its serial number and this makes it very difficult to use third party inks. I am even happier with this toner cartridge. The savings are tremendous and I don't think I will buy another HP laser printer if they continue this practice. There are a few things to consider: How comfortable is removing and installing this chip when working with tiny plastic parts? Power isn't very important, but agility and vision are important. If you reuse the chip, the printer will keep telling you that the screen is almost blank for that color and that you are using the HP software on your computer, following the instructions in the pop-up dialog box. I almost always type from my phone, so it's not a problem. The instructions that come with it say you can delay the warning by 2 months at a time. The print quality is very good and I cannot distinguish this brand from the original. I can't comment on the amount of toner as time will tell. The only thing that really worries me right now is how stable this little chip is and how many times I can still change it. I'm in the process of replacing the black cartridge and don't plan on doing this for all three color cartridges anytime soon, but for the price I'll definitely give it another try. I don't remember signing any user agreements with HP to only use their ink when I bought the printer. I hope they don't try to sue me for bypassing their unfriendly tamper protection. You really have to see how much you save and, in the worst case, buy an original toner cartridge. Also, remove the old chip first before removing all of the contents from the new cartridge. That way, if you drop or damage the chip, you can buy a real cartridge and try again with a new replacement cartridge when it runs out.
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