I like that it's fully customizable from end-user to admin experience points of view - which means you can create an interface as smooth or rough (or somewhere in between) as your needs dictate! The documentation could be better; there are too many tutorials out here but not enough guidance about best practices when using some modules. We're solving our own version 1 problems with each new website we build so this has been great because nothing works "outta box" right now unless customized by us/our team members who have knowledge of all aspects involved. The simplicity that makes creating an admin panel easy to use. Also the fact you are able to create new pages without having to go through so many steps as other platforms require. I dislike how there's not much in terms of tutorials or resources out their just yet but we've been working with crafter since it was launched and have had no issues thus far. Our main problem is keeping track of all our websites and updating them regularly while also adding features like blogs etc.