Avoid costly damage and wasted time from a blown tyre. Don't let the loss of a tire and the consequential damage caused by tire wear ruin your next hike. Know what your tires are doing with this system. It informs you of each tire pressure and temperature and warns you of a tire losing pressure or temperature rising, which also indicates an imminent tire failure. It displays all information on one screen at the same time, and the display is always charged by the built-in solar panel and can also be powered by a micro USB cable. Tire sensor batteries are easy to install and last a long time, over a year in my experience (although they say around six months). The kit comes with everything you need, including batteries and a "signal booster" for longer trailers and wheels. I've had a bump before, on a deserted road at dusk, if I hadn't seen smoke (they don't always have "boom"), I would have taken more damage than I did. It was also on the driver's side of the trailer so I changed a tire on my 5th wheel when my body was halfway in the lane. especially on a road or highway with a lot more traffic. For the price, whatever it is these days (it varies by time or year), it's money spent on peace of mind.