Very impressed! I usually buy Coach bags or designer bags like Gucci, Halston, MK etc. I'm not good with bags and go through a few bags a year, they are $300-$700 or more per bag. I was shopping for a black Coach bag when I spotted Heshe here at Revain yesterday. The reviews were so good I just went ahead and bought 3 Heshe bags and 2 purses. I ordered them late last night and received 2 of 3 bags and 2 wallets this morning. First of all, it is the beautiful packaging of bags and wallets, from the thank you tag for the purchase, to the protective film on the hardware and the soft protector to store the handbag, to the plastic protection for the Heshe mailer. It was impressive. The handbag then has very good quality leather, similar to a quality Halston bag and better than my $800 Coach bag. Reading reviews from customers who said the bag was heavy I found that the high quality leather makes the bag feel sturdy and the shoulder straps are very comfortable to carry as they are thicker than my Coach straps. I'm really shocked at such a low price for such a wonderful handbag. I feel like I got a lot for my money. The features of this bag are good, not cheap, but not elitist either (similar to a Halston handbag). I will buy more Heshe bags, I am very satisfied!
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