I take great care of my outdoor gear and when I'm hunting, hiking or camping, nothing is more important to me than toasty warm hands. very stylish and I also wear them when I need to dress up for dinner or sporting events. The texture on the palm and fingers is a bonus and they fit like a drum roll please. Glove. The reflective strip of material also makes them a good choice for walking or running as an added safety measure. They are not very thick and waterproof, not waterproof. So if you're indoors or out in the rain, you might need something heavier. The gloves have a unique feature that I've never seen before, which is that the index finger and thumb are made of a material that works on touchscreens. This feature is very useful as I always had to take my gloves off to use my phone with different gloves on. I am so pleased with these gloves that I will be taking a few more pairs home as gifts for the holidays. .
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