Attention - they are very small! My 8 year old boy wears size 2 boys shoes. We ordered him a size 3 and they are really tight. The toe box is low so it rests on his feet and given the length there is little room to wiggle his toes. I wanted to return them and increase the size but he really wanted them to arrive and insisted on having them so he could wear them to school. Unfortunately I'm sure he'll outgrow them in a month or two given how narrow they are. If you order, size bigger! are removed with a special tool and you really have to pull them out. Once they come out, you can put a peg in the hole and wear them like regular shoes. For some reason I thought the wheels would be easier to remove or take off, but it's not easy for a kid to turn them back into regular shoes. And if you want to walk with bikes, you have to not suitable for everyday use to school etc.
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