These are our first pair of slippers so I have no comparison but they look great and my 3 year old loves them! You are very skinny! I ordered 9.5m first and couldn't get my foot in. I sent them back and received the 9.5w and they fit perfectly with little room to grow. Her teacher said that everyone always buys them too big to have room to grow and it's really bad for them, so I chose the right size. She is 3 years 3 months old and wears a size 9 in most shoes with little room to grow so I went for a 9.5. For comparison, her photos are alongside a size 8 in Converse (which are oversized), a size 9 in Volumes (which are also large and she has plenty of room to grow), and a size 9 in Sketchers, which are perfect for her and only a little. save right away.
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