I've done some research on these topics. I didn't want a system with a monthly plan so the local storage/security was very attractive, as was the claimed 365 day battery life and 2K images. So the installation was easy and well thought out, the hardware seems solid and of high quality, so that my enthusiasm continued. I set up the cameras and then installed them = in the right places. 1st area. This was a big problem. Range varies by environment, but my home is traditional wood construction and the camera couldn't get a reliable connection at 40 feet one-way (through three walls with ledges in the way) and worse, just 15 feet from my front door . Moving the base to a less convenient location got it working, but the signal is still not as strong. I don't know what frequency it uses - it doesn't use WiFi, but presumably a lower frequency with less power that might have better range. 2. Start time. Understandably, in order to conserve battery life, recording and transmission are not possible until activity is detected and the camera is turned on. This means that activation is fully controlled by the IR motion sensor. As a result, activation isn't possible until the IR sensor detects a heat signature, even when there's a lot of movement in the frame, so you won't see anyone approaching until they're close enough and may already have passed. Even when this is detected there seems to be a delay in turning on the camera and then connecting to the base as the first second or two (that's all I need to get out the front door) is missing and that can be a critical one be phase - when someone's face is visible. While it can be useful in some situations, it's just not worth it to me. If it works as expected it'll be a good deal - I got 4 cameras on a deal of the day but it just isn't responsive enough to be useful. It's disappointing for what is now the 3rd generation of Eufy. The actual image quality itself is really good - better than others I've tried, so this is even more disappointing.
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