It is undoubtedly beneficial to participate, particularly in terms of gaining experience, gaining a comprehensive awareness of the situation, and gaining an understanding of your requirements in general. It does not perform better than a picture that costs fifty kopecks, but it is handy for use when shooting inside. Many advantages: The picture quality has been drastically improved following the installation of the 18-55 whale and the Yangnow 35 and 50mm adjustments. Mounting bracket made of lightweight metal. Working aperture starts at 2.2, however you have to experiment and make sure the conditions are right. Operation of the autofocus system may be trusted, and there is no need to modify it, in contrast to at least the same Sigma. Negatives: The cost is excessively costly for such a basic course. In terms of dd and color rendering, competitors in the same price range are far more fascinating to consider. The bokeh is overly puffed up. Only under perfect conditions can it achieve its sharpness; otherwise, it is inferior than a whale 18-55 AF-P, even with the stub switched off. Soap is soapy, despite the fact that for many people this is the expected behavior. Focus should be relevant across the entire field of the frame when the aperture is between 5.6 and 8.