I've been looking for shoes that I can wear for health reasons for a long time. I have thick bandages on both feet from toes to knees and cannot wear closed-toe shoes. I used to have crocs and they were too tight so I was a bit apprehensive about trying. But when I saw that they were wider I decided to try them even though the price was too high. (I was also looking for a design that looked like a regular shoe rather than the 'normal' crocodile that looks more like a garden clog.) Imagine how happy I was to see them! I received them on time, tried them on and. Simply WOWZER! I'm a lucky tourist! They look like sneakers! I love love love her!
👟 Идеальный комфорт и стиль: Прохладные открытые тапочки для мужчин CERYTHRINA для активного отдыха и прогулок
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👞 Удобные тапочки YHOON бордового цвета - клоги для максимального комфорта
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Сандалии для прогулок на открытом воздухе "SAGUARO
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👞 Стильные и комфортные унисекс-терлинговые черные мужские кроссовки Crocs Ralen: идеальны для повседневной носки.
9 Review