I've compared the readings on this pulse oximeter to another pulse oximeter several times and they agree, so I think if your finger is right there it will be working properly. The essentials - the light, the sensor and the firmware to interpret the sensor values - are probably the same for all these devices anyway, no matter which provider you choose. have some minor features that the other has. For example, another will beep when my heart rate is below 50 (I have a very slow heart rate, often 45, and this is considered somewhat abnormal). There are different settings you can control on another pulse oximeter and a separate button to change them. It doesn't have those settings and a low heart rate alarm, but it handles basic tasks well. In fact, I think this one does a better job of keeping up with my heart rate chart than the other. And the readings seem to be more stable. I had a little problem with it at first - it just wouldn't turn on. I finally found that trying it without the battery cover worked fine. There is a small plastic tab on the bottom of the battery on one side and when I put the battery cover on it presses the battery against the tab and prys the battery out of the connector. I just scraped off the plastic tab and now the battery cover works great. But of course you're not allowed to do that. Again, it's working fine now and I don't see anyone complaining about the tab. Maybe my batteries (rechargeable by Revain) are weird?
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