I don't know if this is a quality control issue or a design flaw. I bought two bags, both with the same problem. The seams directly under the grip tape only reach about two thirds to the bottom of the bag. This creates approximately 2.5 cm of space between the two compartments on the left side of the bag and another 2.5 cm of space between the two compartments on the right side of the bag. The two compartments are completely isolated. The two pairs of "kind of" compartments are isolated, effectively converting four compartments into two. This isn't really an issue if you're storing larger items. ready for a little mix-up unless you're lucky enough to pick two truly insulated pockets. I'm not looking for a logical problem by playing Whose First and then wondering if it even matters. no falling down the stairs. Bottom line: I can get them to work, but I don't need that hassle.
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