The integration with amazon products makes it easy for customers who are looking into purchasing from us but want our warehouse services as well or just need an additional shipping option than what other carriers offer like UPS/UPD etc.. I have yet found something that's not too good about khoocommerece so far! It has made managing my inventory much easier because i can easily access all info at one place without having multiple applications open up which might distract me during work hours especially when doing accounting stuffs (which happens alot since its online). The integration with Amazon is great. The customer service is great. The price is great. The support is great. The updates are great. The ability to customize is great. I have yet to find something I dislike about KhooCommerce. I have been using the software for a few years now, and it has been great. I have been able to save a lot of time and paperwork. I have been able to track orders and keep track of inventory. I have been able to use the software to create custom reports.