When I found TriJewels online, I was overjoyed and eager to make my first purchase. Unfortunately, my encounter ended up being a total letdown. First of all, the website was challenging to browse and confusing. Even when I did, the options were few, and it took me a long time to discover what I needed. The second issue was that the shoes and clothing I purchased were of poor quality and didn't match the website's descriptions. When my purchase arrived and the items didn't resemble what was advertised, I was very disappointed. Additionally disappointing was the jewelery. The items I got were shoddy made and appeared cheap. I ultimately had to return them for a reimbursement because I was ashamed to wear them in public. Overall, I had a very bad experience with the TriJewels online shop. I would not advise anyone to shop at this establishment and would suggest to prospective customers to seek elsewhere for high-quality apparel, accessories, and jewelry.