Good protectors. Excellent price. I would recommend cleaning the screen thoroughly first. Also, DO NOT use sticky dust removal tool on switches. It has a plastic screen and the dust removal adhesive sticks like crazy. It was scary removing it from the screen of my brand new pristine lite switch. I managed to remove it but it seemed to me like he would have torn the screen if he had been less careful. In addition, the protective film is now attached without bubbles and small stickers on the hinges make work easier. Screen protectors used to suck because all you had to do was line them up yourself, but with this decal application process, it's really easy and simple. Just be sure to check the screen for defects, because a tiny speck of dust will ruin everything. Maybe it's just me, but if I blistered underneath, I'd want to throw the whole thing in the trash. This wasn't a problem with this set and if I ever need another set (3 packs should survive the Switch Lite's non-modular design) I will buy them again.