Game console Nintendo Switch 32 GB, gray Review
Very good

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Description of Game console Nintendo Switch 32 GB, gray
Key Features of the Nintendo Switch
The Nintendo Switch offers a host of impressive features that make it a standout choice in the world of gaming consoles. Here are some key characteristics that set it apart:
- On this console, there is nothing but the HSV community. As an example, for this))
- No headphones, no browser for watching videos on YouTube and listening to music, no simple media player, terrible price for the console and games, few good games that are all eight-bit, and good games that are on it seem to be complete when you met the last of us. There is no flu station with charging for doi-cons.
- - original shape and size, Nintendo-only video game titles - beneficial to business Perfect for toddlers
- Accessories pricing, video game cost - The battery life is poor when used in portable mode (3 hours when playing Zelda; I didn't notice with other games); it may last longer in theory.
- Exclusive format and games
- No, not just yet
- – designing. You genuinely enjoy the appearance on an aesthetic level. - portability and hybridity. Laying in bed and playing your preferred game is cozy. And when you want sound and pictures, you connect it to your preferred TV. Compared to the PS Vita, there are a lot more games available. I'm glad you have the option to customize it as you see fit. On the one hand, this may seem like a trifle, but after a few months, it still tickles my fancy. - Sufficient performance, considering that this is a full-fledged mobile console rather than a smartphone. - Active cooling system (there is one cooler) and radiators. She rarely makes sounds.
- Yes, get ready. I'll explain all the nuances and flaws, and it's up to you to decide whether you can live with them or not. - overall brittleness and poor wear resistance (the left Joy Con had to be replaced twice under warranty because of the dreadful squeak of the left stick, but the right one worked fine). Even though I was aware of the issue and carefully fitted the switch into the docking station, the screen is protected with a coating that has already completely scratched after three months! - Weak screen (720p resolution, TN technology, dim brightness, general fading) - all of these factors significantly detract from the console's overall impression. Despite the fact that the price of the console itself was reasonable, I had Vita Fat (OLED is fantastic) and slim (IPS) and I liked both screens. They are able to. Without Nintendo, bold! - Extremely expensive costs for games, which I would describe as greedy. But I essentially resisted hacking. I make enough money. - terribly slow game downloads from the eShop, terribly weak WiFi, ac and 5Ghz, and no scent. - Bluetooth headphone connections cannot be made without tambourine dancing. - The powerbank has extremely poor autonomy and takes a long time to charge (I tried charging a 12W iPad, and the results were the same). This is a huge negative because it means the powerbank cannot support real-time discharge while traveling.
- A great portable console with many of games that are both engaging and of a good caliber. Worth the investment. The console now has a ton of co-op capabilities, such the simplicity of playing on several consoles. Two joycons can be used to play together by default. Super Mario Party and Mario Kart are especially popular as party entertainment due to their minimal entry requirements. The same Super Smash Bros. game is also used extensively for amusement. It is practical to use in a portable device, in a car, train, or line. The charge is sufficient in theory. In my interpretation, three hours in the subway are sufficient—one in the morning, one at lunch, and one in the evening. You may already play it on the TV at home by placing it in the docking station. In dire circumstances, you can also use a power bank to power it. There are good game exclusives (Nintend, such as Zelda: Breath of the Wild) and just nice exclusives. After the introduction of Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, as a fan of the prior two installments, the final buying choice was made. You can get a ton of different accessories, customizing items (the white case and joycons were my favorites), stickers, etc. from China. In theory, the potential for firmware will be positive; many, in my opinion, will want to relive the same Morrowind while traveling. Yes, and who doesn't appreciate free games (even if, ayyyy, piracy is awful).
- Games are costly psychologically. Price-wise, consoles are about average, but because the Switch isn't viewed as a "big" device, it seems like game pricing should be lower. Although the console may be flashed, I believe it is still preferable not to pirate any stuff. However, many people consider joycons to be a compromised version of controllers. After a while of playing exclusively on the switch, the identical Xbox gamepad gives you the impression that Hephaestus himself wrought this miracle for you. Nevertheless, you can adjust to it. Furthermore, joycons are pricey. If the prices were comparable to gamepads and T-shirts, I would have bought myself a second pair and/or a controller long ago. Therefore, rather of using a pro controller, it is simpler to purchase adapters for gamepads with Ali and an Xbox gamepad. The fact that the same joycons function as two gamepads is obvious, but this is already lyrical. Also desirable would be a larger battery. It appears that the current revision has fixed the issue.
- is the new Nintendo console – portable / stationary in one console - Unique, highly rated Zelda: Breath of the Wild game - full russification of the console and most importantly - full 2022 voice acting and text Zelda: Breath of the Wild, for the first time in 30 years of the existence of the Zelda series. – good display, similar to iPad – glossy and good colors (but plastic)
- - complete console controllers, JoyCons - small buttons, small sticks. This is inconvenient after full-fledged ps4 and xbox one pads. – no great Nintendo Switch Pro Controller included - few games - no support for Virtual Console (this is a service that gives backward compatibility to many Nintendo games from Nintendo consoles of the 90s) - no backwards compatibility with WiiU
- Great device for 2022, not for 2022.
- 1. Device price 2. Functionality 3. Price of games 4. Display size 5. Autonomy 6. Difficulty connecting to free wi-fi 7. In the comments
- + The cutting edge of handheld gaming systems. Worth it if only to play Doom on the subway every day. +Huge library of games. The most social gaming system available. The minimum required to play is just two people. There's a plethora of options for two, and even four, players to enjoy on a single screen. The best console for kids and their parents. I saw firsthand how much fun kids had with games like 1-2 Switch, Snipperclips, and Mario. + You may start playing from where you are, even if your computer is in standby. Accepted; please proceed with the game. +Sleek and user-friendly menu layout (with the exception of the online store).
- The primary disadvantage is the high cost of both components and games. -Most notably, for online gaming (No, geographical isolation is not a viable choice. I'd want to remind you that the money from South African game purchases does not go to Nintendo's 2022 division, which slows down the development of the company in that year. Poor construction for a product of this price. The controllers wiggle somewhat when played with (less than a millimeter and are firmly secured, but the console feels like it's about to break apart right in your hands), and the screen gets scratched while docking the system. There must be safety glass present. -A huge, fixed television showing graphics. Only old games and Nintendo exclusives look good. The only way to play the rest of them without getting eye leakage is in portable mode due to their low resolution. -Unpleasant online shopping experience overall. The catalog of new items is 90% rubbish, and major games are immediately lost in the feed. There are absolutely no sorting options, and there is no "add to favorites" button for the future.
- One advantage of Switch is that it is the only portable set-top box available at this time. Sony intentionally killed off the Vita's chances, and Microsoft didn't do anything to compete, leaving the Switch as the only legitimate portable console choice. In my opinion, there is a more convenient option for playing at home. Nisha Ports of quality titles formerly released for other consoles are a boon for the Nintendo Switch. Please don't tell me that the 4200 price tag and Nintendo-exclusive games are enough to convince you to play this console at home. In my opinion, this system's only selling point is portability and mobile gaming. There is a wide variety of items and companies out there that offer standard price for the home.
- There are a lot of reasons why I have an adverse opinion of Nintendo as a business. The corporation has created a cult of followers who are willing to pay exorbitant rates for the garbage they produce. Simultaneously, a certain aura developed around Nintendo, with claims such as "Nintendo is not like Sony or Microsoft" and "Nintendo does not participate in the console race" becoming commonplace in the same way that the mantras of sectarians have become commonplace. In the same year that Sony debuted its virtual reality (VR) goggles, Nintendo debuted its own VR system—made entirely out of cardboard. This pretty much sums it up for us. To assume that the standards of approach do not apply to Nintendo, as they do to other companies, is already a disease. The biggest complaint against the corporation is its pricing practices. Unlike Sony and especially Steam, Nintendo typically releases even ports for the price of new titles. The year 2022, the year 4200, and the game is Wolfenstein 2. 2022's Diablo 3 will have a PlayStation 3 port in the same year. That's not too shabby for a game from 2007 do we? 2022's 2600's Syberia 2 video game. The game has been out for 15 years. Extremely nave. Since Nintendo's exclusives featuring a mustachioed plumber in a baby's body and games featuring a pink bun for $4200 are, on the whole, insufficient, this article will focus on conversions instead. It's also important to note that price reductions have been virtually nonexistent. A Nintendo eShop game that came out three to four years ago may still be worth the full price. Price cuts, reductions over time? What exactly are you referring to? I don't mean to put anyone down, but before you buy, think about if you're willing to pay full price for games that were out ten years ago, just because they were ported to the Switch. The truth with Nintendo games is this.