I'm a Lego fan, and have spent many happy hours -- years! -- building their incomparably imaginative and exquisitely designed models. The trouble is, of course, that they refuse on principle to design historical warships, airplanes, etc. (They have no problem with licensed galaxy-destroying motherships and weapons, but that's for another time.)But I couldn't follow these instructions; after each step, the previous step just fades into the background forever, so I couldn't confirm whether the oddly shaped pieces were in proper positions relative to each other.If you've built other models by this company you can completely ignore what I'm writing here. But if you're normally a Lego creator who wants to try a whole different kind of model which theoretically uses the same assembly protocols as the Colossus of Denmark, you will truly be dissatisfied.
Lenski Gifts: Unicorn Charm Bracelet Making Kit for Teenage Girls - Jewelry Making Supplies and Beads Set, Ideal for Girls Ages 8-12, Perfect Party Favor, Christmas Gift, DIY Arts and Crafts
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