Turistika .cz is a unique source of information intended for tourists. What sets it apart from other sites of this type is that the base of experiences and practical advices is set by other tourists. In this way, unpleasant situations when traveling are avoided, first hand insights worth visiting are provided, and certainly ways to save money.
Currently, over 60,000 tourists and travelers are active on the website. They are creating a unique knowledge base useful in planning future destinations. It consists of over 100,000 descriptions of travel destinations and useful tips.
Users are stimulated with a cash prize for writing articles. With a few simple steps that include registering via a facebook account, you can add an article from one of the following categories:
Tourist destination - a place you know well (natural, technical or cultural monument, town, village, museum, beach, etc.)
Trip tip - your trip where you liked it
Travelogue - from your vacation
Practical advice - on what to look out for
Book review, test of clothing or hiking equipment
Routes - Hiking / cycling / cross-country skiing , in-line , running or water route , ideally with your recorded GPX
For each unique view of the user's article, user receives a cash prize and at any time it is possible to review the number of readers of the articles as well as how much money has been earned.
The website itself is packed with content, and from the main menu it is accessed in several categories: travel, services & history, for tourists and my tourism.
In the travel section there are two subsections, articles by experienced travelers, And here you can find online maps, trip tips, destination descriptions, travelogues, routes, news tests…
In the thematic section you can choose the type of activity you are interested in: cycling, camping, winter and skiing and more.