Before the brushes wear out, the core starts to expand, causing Deebot to stop working mid-battery charge cycle. When I removed the brush to clean it and remove the overgrown hair, it was manually removed at first. After prolonged use, the core began to expand to the point that I could not remove the brush without grabbing a pair of pliers and pulling out. It felt like it was pinched. To put it back in place I would have to force it into place. Again, the Deebot ran for a while and then just stopped, even though the battery was fully charged. I replaced the brush with a new one from the same order. Great fit and Deebot works great. A few weeks later the same thing happened again. Replaced by a third. They fit great again and worked great for a couple of weeks, then they started expanding and getting stuck again. This has never happened with my original brush. Looking for another brand. Maybe it was just a bad batch.