Let me tell you as much as possible about this product. It took a very long time to decide on a purchase, since fake reviews were very embarrassing. The tool is solid, original, as evidenced by the factory nameplate, the cast inscription makita on the side face, the serial number on the key and the tools themselves, the factory marking of individual body parts and the availability of a complete set of documents, with the exception of the warranty card. Lowered rating of course due to fake reviews. , please, you have a real chance to compete with amazon and other discounters, but be aware that fake reviews and fake accounts do not contribute to an increase in the number of buyers, because people have become more reasonable and less gullible, as evidenced by the large number of dislikes on fake reviews. So fix this and one more nuance, very often people write that the goods seem to be there, but then suddenly the order is canceled due to alleged absence, this has not happened to me yet, but still try to fix this moment. I put 4 out of 5 in advance, to correct these problems.