I bought the size XL for my 5 year old. She really liked them and she put them on without difficulty. We've had other gloves and mittens that had the lining ripped out and then a small child couldn't put them on, but with these it wasn't a problem. Unfortunately, the velcro lasted less than one winter. They're useless without velcro - the same super wide cuff that makes them easy to put on makes them useless without a clasp too. Although I'm disappointed with the quality, my daughter loves them and the price is so low I'm ordering a second pair. OR (Outdoor Research) mittens are passed down to three kids, while Gordini gloves seem to fall apart within a season. But OR does not use beautiful colors like Gordini. And although surgical gloves last many times longer, they also cost many times more. Therefore, the total cost per number of uses can be similar.
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