I use rubber in size 215.502022. car Mercedes B class When I put the tires on for the first 100 km there was noise from it, and then I rolled it in and the noise disappeared. set and rolled it turned out on country roads where they almost didn’t clean the snow at a speed of 80-90 no more, now I’ve dashed off 3 t. Km on it. The rubber is soft, the spikes are not large and because of this you can’t hear them at all when driving at speed. The car drives out of the snowdrifts confidently. You can safely drive after snow at a speed higher than the flow. In the corners, the tires roll and it is better to drop the speed a little. I didn’t like the braking on ice a bit, I can compare it with the bridge rubber ws60 is about the same. You can take the rubber not bad, I even thought about buying it for a second car for next winter.
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