Budget choice fifty bucks. If there is still not enough money for more expensive quick fixed lenses, this is something I would propose doing. He is sincere in his work, and if the photographer so desires, he will even alter it after he has finished. With all of its perks. -A quick aperture -A size that makes it easy to carry around in your pocket -An excellent place for a novice photographer to begin (low price, good bokeh) The lenses included within it are positioned in such a way that it is quite challenging to scratch them. This is something that, well, only a very sloppy owner would allow =) Its cons: On an open hole, there is no sharpness, and regrettably, even adding two and three stops is not enough to make up for the lack of sharpness. - Only cameras that have built-in motors within the carcass of the device are capable of autofocusing (screwdriver). If you have anything like a Nikon D40, for example, you will need to adjust the focus via the knobs, just like the good old zenith =)