I've been using Jason PowerSmile Mint Flavored Whitening Toothpaste for about eight years, since my dentist diagnosed me with an allergy to SLS, as evidenced by a rash on the inside of my cheeks where my tooth met became. I've also had signs of SLS allergy from liquid hand wash and scalp rashes and contact eczema on my forehead and neck from an SLS shampoo. To be honest, I didn't even know standard toothpaste contained SLS, so I didn't know it was the cause of chronic mouth irritation. This marks the first time Jason has launched the 3 ounce travel tube required for air travel when transporting your luggage on the plane. Multiple times the TSA confiscated my large tube of Jason toothpaste, it was the only way it had ever been sold before and then I had no choice but to take the large tube. Jason PowerSmile toothpaste works well, but if you switch from a mainstream brand you'll find that the peppermint flavor is less pronounced and there's less foam than you're used to due to the lack of SLS, a cheap detergent that toothpaste comes with their foaming properties, shower gel, hand washing gel and shampoo. I'm used to a different foam effect and a milder mint taste. If you have allergies you have to accept changes. Over time I got used to Jason PowerSmile and he became my new normal. So I'm grateful that it's now available in 3 ounce tubes. 5 star rating = I love it.
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