I like that it has an excellent IntelliSense feature which helps in typing faster than using other editors. And also its syntax highlighting makes things easier to read code quickly. There are some minor issues such as sometimes there is delay when opening tabs or switching between files but nothing major. Its worth trying out if your looking for something fast and easy to use. This is my favorite editor right now because of all of these features. The best part about this program is how simple the interface is compared to other programs like Visual Studio and Eclipse. I like the concept of it being free, and the fact that it's open source. I don't like that I can't see the syntax highlighting when I'm editing in the code. I also can't use the keyboard shortcuts to move and select code. It's not very intuitive to use. I would recommend this to a beginner that has no coding experience. I'm teaching myself C# and was looking for a free or low cost option. I found this one and it worked great for me.