I bought this for my 570 series Roomba. When I first tried to charge it in my car it gave me error code 5 When I checked the Irobot website this is a common error message when people try to use a fake Irobot battery. In order not to stop, I searched for more information on YouTube. Turns out you need to restart the Roomba before charging. First insert a new battery and put the cap back on. Second, unplug the docking station from the power adapter, but leave the power adapter plugged into the outlet. Third, restart Roomba by pressing and holding the Dock and Spot buttons simultaneously for at least 10 seconds until the green charging light turns off. Fourth, plug the power adapter directly into Roomba's side panel (Do not charge the docking station). Allow the robot to charge non-stop for 24 hours. Fifth, once complete, you can turn off Roomba and reconnect the docking station to a power source. Use as usual. Great uptime. I have not drained the battery yet and it has been used for over an hour.