I work in the live broadcasting industry. Quality, versatility, reliability and ease of use are essential to our work. This device is great because it can be quickly deployed to a team that has never used it and they don't have to consult a manual. Very intuitive controls and menus. I have all the previous models before this one that only record and finally someone listened and added outputs to turn it into a player too! This is great for me because I can set up and record dubbing from different sources without using computer resources and I have a built in monitor! The only thing is I wish it had some sort of audio meter and maybe a headphone jack and that would be just perfect! I'm currently monitoring the line out through a small mixer into my headphones. It's great for making a backup or backup disc to give to a producer at the end of a show so they know they "get it" so they can check anything they need. Sony, if you're reading now, please either add a complete button or move it to the top menu.
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