These demo bags are very well made. The paper is light but strong enough. Through the cellophane window, the recipient can see how delicious it will be! They're a bit big for small French baguettes, but that suits me. Smaller bags are available for smaller baguettes. It handles larger loaves of Italian bread with ease. Each loaf is long enough to fold over and seal the end of the bag unless you are baking very long loaves. You can even make buns and put about 5 or 6 in these bags. If you are sealing the end, I suggest using a sewing needle or hat pin etc. to poke a few tiny holes in the cellophane to allow any moisture that has built up to escape. released outside. That way the crust won't get soft. Allow the bread to cool completely before bagging. I am very happy with it and would definitely recommend it.
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π KaCoon Accessories- Large Collapsible Magnetic Gift Box with Long Ribbon, Chic & Simple Style, 14βx9.5βx4.5β, Matte Black, Gift Box with Magnetic Closure
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π Stylish and Chic Bridesmaid Gift Box - 9.5x7x4 Inches, with Magnetic Lid & Collapsible Design - Ideal for Gift Packaging (Matte White, Grain Texture)
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