I do not want to strongly criticize that model, it is quite worthy of a purchase at a price below 10-9 thousand. Even expensive vacuum cleaners costing two to three times as much can only be used as an assistant for a robot vacuum cleaner or a large corded vacuum cleaner. That's what I bought Trouver for - to quickly pick up scattered debris or remove cobwebs from the ceiling. Let fairy tales about cleaning an apartment or house remain on the conscience of storytellers - this is possible, but it will be of poor quality, long and inconvenient. You will get tired of constantly cleaning the dust container and charging the battery. Weaker buy is not necessary. It also makes no sense to buy more expensive. You need a moderately light device, let it work at maximum for no more than 10 minutes. The main thing is not to set the apparatus an impossible task. I think that a large floor nozzle is the most useless. I will never use it to clean a large floor surface, a robot vacuum cleaner or a corded machine will do much better. And then the stand is also useless. The stand can only hold a vacuum cleaner with a large nozzle. Without this nozzle, the stand is not needed. There is also no convenient charging base. In general, this model costs exactly as much as it is sold for. Now I would look at other devices in the price category up to 10 thousand, not Xiaomi. My only comfort is that I bought it cheap on sale.