I have mixed feelings about this handbag. On the one hand, this bag has many advantages. I like almost everything about it. Looks smart, it's pretty pretty. The color of the bag is great. The artwork on it is practically unprecedented. The size is great. There are many beautiful decorative details, such as B. Side zippers on the front. There are some nice practical touches too, like plenty of pockets to stash your essentials and a long strap to use the bag as a crossbody or crossbody bag if you don't want to carry this bag in your hand. However... this particular bag also has some serious problems. A big problem is that it's not leather...or if it's leather, it's been chemically treated with BASIC. The chemical smell is so obvious and so strong it got stuck on my hands after pulling the bag out of the packaging material. This smell is definitely coming from the packaging, not the packaging, as it goes through the entire packaging itself. I ended up having to take the bag outside because the whole house stunk. Even after a whole night of airing it was still very musty. I don't know how long it will take to get rid of this smell or if I can do it. Another issue I had with this bag is the lining. It's very, very prickly. I don't know why the company invested money in making such a beautiful bag but put a cheap lining in it. This only reinforces the idea that the whole bag is cheap. Not only that, I feel so bad that I don't want to use this bag at all, no matter how nice it looks, and I'm sorry because I really want this bag to be something I can use. It's a really nice looking bag, but bags are made to be used, not just looked at. So I can't recommend this bag at the moment. I wish I could. If the smell wears off and I can try to use it I'll come back and update the review but if not...then I don't recommend this bag at all.
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