There were high hopes that this thing would at least hold a charge, but no. Gets at least 3-4 hours of direct sunlight, and in the 90's it's been cloudless for over a week, and it's still steadily draining the charge. When I received this a week ago the charge was 68%, now it's 52% and falling. I gave it one star because it expires at least a bit slower I think. But my main reason for buying this overpriced device was not having to climb the stairs to charge it every month. another hour or two of sunlight [if that would help], but arlo only gives you a meager 8ft of cord so you're very limited as to how far it can get from the light. it's actually charging, I don't know if the sun is getting hotter or if the rating could go up even more if this trend continues
📷 D-Link Наружная видеокамера WiFi с прожектором для безопасности с функцией дневного и ночного видения, встроенным умным домашним хабом, полноценной сетевой системой видеонаблюдения Full HD (DCS-8630LH-US) в белом цвете
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Солнечная панель Wasserstein 13 1 футов совместима с камерами и фото- и видеонаблюдением.
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Кронштейн крепления камеры Blink XT/XT2 на стену - 360° регулируемый для использования в помещении/на улице - 3 штуки.
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