I've had over half a dozen BT transmitters, none of which had a display - mostly just a one button user interface with a few switches but this one is the best! Not only are there a few buttons next to the switch on an intuitive interface, the dot-matrix LCD is an absolute lifesaver, it makes life so easy that you no longer have to guess what device it's connected to, no unplugging and re-pair. It might not seem like much but believe me it's a must if you have a bunch of BT devices. It's a shame I didn't find this station sooner! Hopefully it will last, but for sheer convenience I would buy it again if it broke and the warranty was up. This is actually the second one I've bought, the first one was gifted to my 92 year old grandma and the last one was bought for me. No comments on volume control or battery life as this thing is permanently connected to my computer.
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