For me this bag is not as big as I would like as it doesn't have a double main compartment. However, it is made with such an unmatched quality that I have never experienced before, which is the reason for the 5 star rating. Both the straps and the zippers are what I believe to be military grade material. In fact, I believe the entire bag is military grade. None of this speaks of inferior materials. This bag is definitely designed to last a lifetime and then several years. Forget the exterior side pockets for water bottles and drinks. You will not record such things. However, they fit 2 pairs of reading glasses per side in their cases. On the other hand, I have a padded glasses case filled with 10 pens of different colors to keep in the pen. The bottom of these two outer "drinking bags" is much wider than the top. The lid does not open far enough to hold a drink. But the bottom is wide enough to store other things like your device charger, locks, coins, even a flashlight, clamshell phone, iPod, etc. So, with the right gear, these 2 side pockets can do double duty. A soft glasses case will help. While they can't carry the bottled drinks I've found, they're still exceptionally useful. The strapping material is far superior to any car/tow/tether strap or webbing you've ever come across. . And zippers are unlike any traditional zipper we know. You don't have to worry about the zipper getting caught and pinched. By the way, this is the lightning material, again made of durable material. And it's arranged in such a way that when you close it, the zipper literally disappears by itself. The zipper teeth and catches as well as the pull tabs are made of plastic-coated steel construction. They are too strong to be metal alloys or cheap plastic. You can tell they are made of steel. Only one piece is covered with an extremely durable plasticized finish for silky smooth zipper performance. Nothing about this bag calls for cheap construction from cheap materials, not even the inner nylon webbing. It is so hard. However, there isn't much to give him. It's tight. It's so strong it won't break no matter how hard you try. This bag stands up to harsh conditions. Whatever this bag is made of, folding chairs, tents and sleeping bags, even suitcases, military and all necessary work uniforms should be made of it. Even ordinary living room furniture, curtains and car seats as well as interior ceilings, floors and car panels have to be made from this material. it's so hard and easy to clean. Also suitable for heavy duty hammocks (and maybe even dog beds) as it will definitely stand up to cat or dog claws and scratches. I have never seen anything made with such quality and durability before. I have never seen such fabrics and zippers. This is the next level industrial fabric material. This is the type of material that can be tested with construction tool belts, vehicle tow straps, and tie down straps. Heck, this is the kind of material that reusable grocery bags and refrigerators should be made out of. Because let's face it, those reusable bags you get at the grocery store aren't made to last. And when you buy them, expect them to last. But they don't last. You always have to buy more and more. Like ordinary plastic bags, they end up in landfills. But with the material this bag is made of, the problem of burying it in a landfill is eliminated. In fact, for all shapes and designs of fabric furniture, the problem of waste disposal is no longer a problem. The same goes for tents and even fabric RV awnings and windows, even kites and umbrellas. I see many uses for the material from which this bag was made. This is a material I've never seen in cushions and patio furniture covers. I've never seen it used in any type of industrial environment. Whatever it is, it is of unmatched quality, surpassing even military superiority. The only thing I know of that even comes close to the materials used in this bag is a military duffel bag which unless seriously upgraded and greatly improved still falls short of the exceptional quality of this bag. The best of this bag with all its unparalleled materials and exceptional quality construction. someone like me could afford it. I can say this because most of us can't afford average, let alone the best of everything. But the price of this bag allows many more of us to get something of exceptional quality. Many Thanks. The only thing I would do differently about this bag would be to make it bigger. It's big enough for most. But some of us still need a slightly larger bag - a bag with 2 or 3 large compartments. Another thing I would do differently about this bag is reverse the zippers. They seem to be inserted backwards. Instead of closing front to back, they close back to front. The only annoying thing about this bag is that the zippers work back to front instead of front to back. But other than that, this is a top notch bag of unrivaled quality that I highly recommend.
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