Hello. Excellent massager. Around the same time last year, I made a comparable purchase as a present for my mother who has a similar one. Because she suffers from osteochondrosis, she has a reoccurring need for massage in the region of her shoulders and neck. She has this neck massager attached to her chair, and she uses it to get high while watching television every evening. She reveals that she enjoys it and that it makes her feel better. When the husband of the sister was bringing a wardrobe into the house one time, he ended up pulling his lower back. Out of sheer curiosity, I decided to give this back massager a shot. He couldn't believe that it had helped him, and the pain in his sprained lower back disappeared much more quickly than it had in the past. He says that "well, not straight space" but that the impression is still very much felt.))) Now, together with my mother, we are inquiring about the pricing, and we are selecting a comparable vibrating massager to give to him as a present for his birthday. This massager device that kneads the neck was one that piqued my interest quite a bit. It seems to have more recent developments. Included in my list of favorites; will be purchasing very soon.
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