I live in the Pacific Northwest, an area with a mild climate, abundant rainfall and summer sunshine. In short, weed is nirvana. A month or two is enough for the garden or flower garden to become overgrown with weeds. Also, the soil in my house is very dense clay, so removing the weeds becomes a big problem once they take root. Since I'm not really a fan of herbicides, it's time for modern methods. === Good stuff ===* This is the most fun weeding in the garden I've ever had. Some weeds (e.g. thistles) almost explode when lit, which admittedly is a bit pleasant. (Maybe wear goggles, hot juice hurts.)* Ignition is fairly quick and takes about the same time and effort as spraying a Roundup.* There are two settings: regular flow and "turbo". Parameter. The normal flow worked for about 90% of the weeds, especially the smaller ones. Huge weeds, and those that I knew from experience to be sturdier, took full advantage of the fricassee. Killed everyone the first time? No, like digging, roundup or any other strategy. It actually kills about 75% of the weeds the first time and the rest is easily killed with another blast a few days later. to work their way back into the ground before the sun can kill them. A quick shot at the roots with a utility knife quickly put an end to it.* The connections between hose and torch seemed a little loose, but there was no leakage for the first 10 uses. Let's hope it lasts. === Not so good stuff ===* The guide is missing an important first step. Grab the cheap POS lighter that comes with the flashlight and throw it straight into the nearest trash can. After one or two uses, it deformed and became almost unusable with one hand - you have to hold the flashlight with the other. The easiest way was to use a lighter with a long nozzle and it seemed perfectly safe despite the warnings in the instructions. * I don't like the blaster's "turbo" trigger. It was easy to accidentally press it. Since it makes a loud noise, it will startle you if you are not prepared for it. Sometimes the turbo explosion would put out the flames, forcing you to stop and reignite. I wish it had a built in detonator. * The exact weight of the flashlight is not known, but it will be heavy. It didn't particularly bother me, but I wouldn't want to use it all day. Of course, at that propane burn rate, I still couldn't afford it. (I didn't use it long enough to get through the tank, but my 10 gallon tank was noticeably lighter after about 20 minutes of use). on fire. Most of them can be easily trampled on or burn themselves out, but it's probably a good idea to have a hose or at least a bucket of water nearby. I would also stay away from desirable plants, woodwork, or pavers. I started wearing goggles after the thistle "exploded". Also, be careful where you put it, the nozzle will stay hot for a while after the flame dies out. It was very effective for me and even quite a lot of fun. There are a few things that could be better, but the flashlight seems well built and easy enough to use.